What is the meaning of Deliberate Sin?

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1.⁠ ⁠Deliberate sin is one that a person commits with full awareness, desire, and will, not out of forgetfulness or a slip. + Its seriousness, compared to sin committed out of forgetfulness and weakness, was declared by the Lord in the past: [If a person sins unintentionally, they shall bring a sin offering… and it shall be forgiven. But the person who acts defiantly (i.e., with willfulness and persistence) despises the Lord, and that person shall be cut off (i.e., killed)] (Numbers 15: 27–30), as also referenced in the Gospel: Hebrews 10: 28–30. 2.⁠ ⁠Sin dominates those who obey it, even once: [Whoever commits sin is a slave to sin] (John 8: 34), [You are slaves to whom you obey] (Romans 6: 16). + Thus, Adam and Eve became slaves to the devil and sin from the moment they obeyed him, and this condition was transferred to all their descendants: [Through one man’s disobedience many were made sinners] (Romans 5: 19). 3.⁠ ⁠But Christ redeemed us and justified us from inherited sin: [So, by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous] (Romans 5: 19). + This justification from the compulsion of sin is obtained through baptism: [We were baptized into his death, so we were buried with him through baptism into death… that the body of sin might be done away with] (Romans 6: 3–6). + Thus, by Christ’s grace, the body is freed from the compulsion of sin, whether old or young. 4.⁠ ⁠This grace continues with him as long as he does not sin by choice, even once, or else he returns to being a slave to the power of sin, doing it under compulsion. + This grace is granted to the baptized, even if they are children, and to maintain it, they should be fortified by continual communion from the first day of their baptism. They must be brought up to reject childhood sins such as lying and cursing, then the sins of youth, and so forth. They must be cared for throughout all stages of life to not lose the grace of salvation from the compulsion of sin. 5.⁠ ⁠Because man is weak, God has provided a way to renew his salvation, i.e., to renew the effectiveness of baptism in him. This is through sincere repentance and confession, thus restoring the grace of freedom from the compulsion of sin. + Falling from this grace does not mean ultimate destruction, for the door of renewal through repentance and confession remains open. + With humility before God, He will lift us up in the time of visitation, for: [He who endures to the end shall be saved] (Matthew 24: 13). 6.⁠ ⁠However, divine wisdom may delay the return of the effectiveness of the grace of salvation from the compulsion of sin in cases where repentance and confession are not complete, or to make that person realize the bitterness of sin and the impossibility of escaping its compulsive power except through divine grace, so that they do not despise and squander it again. + God may also place disciplines upon them to drive them towards complete repentance. 7.⁠ ⁠But if a person does not repent, acknowledging and confessing their sin, and does not respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and does not humble themselves under God’s discipline, but persists in their sin with full choice and will, then dies in their sin, they will perish, condemned by their own self (Titus 3: 11). Their destruction does not contradict God’s truth and faithfulness to His promise of salvation, because this person chose to betray despite God’s attempts with them, thus God remains truthful and faithful (Romans 3: 3-4). 8.⁠ ⁠However, one must beware of the deceptions of Satan—who strikes both from the right and the left—by ceasing to tempt us with lusts to make us think we have reached high levels, or by making us love walking in the path of error, thinking it the right way. Therefore, spiritual guidance is necessary, for those without a guide fall like autumn leaves.

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