What happened to those who attacked the Holy Bible, and what happened to their ideas?

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*Emperor Nero* said: “This Christian teaching will not enter my country.” But *Jesus* said: “The Gospel must be preached in all the world.” And it was. *Dionysius* said: “Let Christianity die. Let its preaching be abolished.” But *Jesus* said: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.” And it was. *The tyrant Diocletian* said: “All churches must be destroyed.” But *Jesus* said: “Upon this rock, I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” And it was. All these emperors united to erase Christianity and its Holy Bible, but they died, their history ended, and Christianity remained stronger than ever, with its Holy Bible more widespread. The atheist philosopher *David Hume* said: “I foresee the sunset of Christianity.” But it seems he couldn’t distinguish between sunset and sunrise, for what he thought was a sunset was actually a continuous sunrise. Hume died an atheist, and the house where he died became the “meeting place of the Bible Committee.” This also happened with *Lenin*, the atheist communist leader, who said: “I expect to witness the funeral of Christianity.” But he died, and Christianity remained. *Voltaire* said defiantly: “Christianity began with twelve men, and I alone will destroy it.” But Voltaire died, and his house became a warehouse for the Bible, with copies filling rooms from floor to ceiling. The pagan emperor *Julian* minted a coin with his image on one side and the inscription “I will erase Christianity” on the other. But he was deposed, died, and was erased from the earth… while Christianity remained. The *Nazi Germans* gathered the Bible and religious books and burned them. *Goebbels* said: “We now set a new freedom and a new spirit, and with it, we will triumph.” He said this, unaware that a German newspaper would later write after the fall of Nazism: “The burned book still lives.” The light of the Gospel will remain shining brightly despite the roaring of demons and the rage of the adversaries.

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