To explain this, we must acknowledge that the reason is very deep. God allows some sinners to fall under the power of demons, not to make them suffer, but to teach us through their example how sin separates us from God and places us under the dominion of Satan.
This way, we can see the fate of those who are controlled by Satan and how he wants to harm them, leading us to avoid any desire to be subjected to them. For by the suffering of one, many are edified. Demons seek power over humans, but they do not have authority even over pigs.
They ask for permission to take control of pigs, which shows that they do not have this authority. It is certain that if they had such power, they would not ask for it. Those who do not have authority over trivial, worthless things cannot harm anyone who has been sealed by Christ, i.e., those baptized who place their hope in Him. So, let your heart be comforted and reassured, even if you were frightened when you heard that a legion of evil spirits inhabited one man, making him wander among the tombs, naked and ashamed, deprived of reason and understanding.
As a human susceptible to trials, you may fear such a bitter or unbearable fate if attacked by Satan. Therefore, lift your heart with confidence, and do not assume that anything like this could happen while Christ surrounds us with protection and love.
Indeed, they do not have power even over pigs. God’s providence for humanity is immense because He said to the holy apostles, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:29-31). For if He grants protection to irrational creatures, how much more will He count us worthy of all consideration, we for whom He became incarnate and appeared as a man? Thus, if one among us is stained by willful sin and has a conscience that is not upright regarding faith, such a person falls under their power by God’s permission. But it cannot happen that those who love Christ become subject to them, and Satan cannot enter a believer in Christ as long as they live according to the calling they received. Saint Macarius the Great says: “Woe to the house where the master is not present, for it will be desolate and filled with all filth and chaos. There, as the prophet says, the wild animals and demons will dwell” (Isaiah 34:13-14).
Woe to the soul that does not rise from its grievous fall and does not accept the good master, Christ, to dwell within. It remains in its filth and hosts within it those who obey and compel it to oppose its Bridegroom, seeking to corrupt its thoughts away from Christ. But when the Lord sees that the soul gathers itself with all its might, always seeking Him day and night, crying out to Him as He commanded us to pray without ceasing at all times, He will vindicate it, purifying it from the evil within. He will present it to Himself as a bride without blemish or stain (Ephesians 5:27).
The sacred history tells us that many who were possessed and tormented by demons became saints and lived in virtue after the demons were cast out. Among the foremost of these is the demoniac of the region of the Gerasenes, who, after being cleansed, went out and proclaimed in the Decapolis what Jesus had done for him (Mark 5:18-20).
One of the early women from whom demons were cast out and who became saints was Mary Magdalene, from whom the Lord cast out seven demons (Luke 8:1-2). One case that shows some reasons why demons enter human bodies is the story mentioned by Abba Piamun. One brother envied Saint Paphnutius because of his growth in grace, honor, and the love of the monks for him.
He wanted to tarnish his reputation among them, so he sneaked into his cell and planted a manuscript that belonged to him. He then went to Saint Isidore and reported the loss of his manuscript. It was found with Paphnutius, who did not panic or defend himself but practiced repentance with astonishing humility. When the envious brother saw him in this state, he was troubled, and the demon attacked him. The holy fathers tried to cast it out but failed, and even Saint Isidore, who had the gift of exorcism, could not expel it. When the brother realized the cause of this, he publicly confessed his evil scheme.
The demon did not leave him until Saint Paphnutius himself prayed for him, signifying his forgiveness. Main reasons that put a person at risk of being dominated by demons: 1. Resorting to sorcerers, fortune-tellers, magicians, hypnotists, and astrologers for healing, advice, or any other purpose, believing in them, and acting according to their advice. 2. Participating in spirit-calling sessions or so-called hypnosis sessions, where the medium is actually under the influence of impure demonic spirits that dominate them. 3. Actively participating in Pentecostal gatherings, heretical meetings, spirit-calling sessions, or Satanic assemblies. 4. Attempting to summon spirits, command demons, or communicate with them through pendulums, books of magic, and following their instructions to command and summon the servants of rings. 5. Violating priesthood rights by performing its rituals and offering incense contrary to the laws of the Church. **[1]** – Saint Macarius the Great, Homilies (6), pp. 20-21 **[2]** – Magic is the work of the devil; hence, there is no such thing as black, white, divine, upper, or lower magic. Magic is magic, without colors, and there is no upper or lower, or divine magic.
All these terms are meant to deceive humans into thinking that magic is a work of divine power, or that some believe they can use demonic powers for good, peaceful, or serviceable deeds, not realizing that by merely using or engaging in magic, they fall under divine curse and excommunication.